• New addition to the wildly popular “Don’t! Decks” series of outdoor-tips playing cards
• Features best wilderness navigation tips from the Mountaineers Books library of “how-to” information
Whether you’re safe at home, in a cozy tent, or on the trail, have fun with this deck while learning basic wilderness safety skills. The Don’t Get Lost Out There! Deck is organized into four suits:
1. Hearts: Map & Compass. Latitude and longitude, contours, scale, magnetic declination, taking a bearing, orienting a map
2. Clubs: GPS Usage & Technology. Defining GPS, traveling with GPS, saving battery life, accuracy problems
3. Diamonds: Wilderness Travel & Route Finding. Handrails and baselines, marking the route, visualizing the return
4. Spades: Lost & Found. Why people get lost, what to do when lost, how to be found

The Don't Get Lost Out There Deck
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