Tome is a fast paced trick-taking game for 3 to 4 players, set in a world of magic and spells. Players complete to play the strongest spell, using whatever tricks at their disposal to trump their opponents. Summon raging flames, crashing waves, and the might of the Earth and sky itself!
A twist on the classic formula; Tome is simple enough to pick up for a new player, but has a deep layer of strategy that will keep veterans coming back again and again. Can you truly master the elements?

- If playing with teams, partners sit across from one another.
- If playing with only 3 players, remove 1 of the Basic Element suits from the deck.

To begin a game of Tome, deal out 6 cards to each player.
The remaining 6 cards are placed in the center to form the Element Deck.

Trick-taking is a type of game where players are each dealt a hand from a common deck of cards. The game is played 1 turn or "Trick", at a time. Each player plays a card from their hand onto the trick, and then a winner is decided.
In Tome, a trick is referred to as a chapter.
The rules of what cards are allowed to be played, how a winner is determined, or how points are scored vary from game to game.
In Tome, the Strongest spell wins the chapter. The higher the number on a spell, the stronger it is.

At the beginning of each chapter in Tome, a card is revealed from the Element Deck. This card is the trump suit or Title Spell for that chapter. If the suit of your card matches the suit of the Title Spell, your card is trump and will beat any card of another suit!

Each Basic Spell has a unique effect that can leave an impact on the chapter. Some spells can boost themselves, others can affect an opponents spell, and some can even change the Title Spell.

Spells with a white border are Special Spells. They do not have an effect, instead each spell of that Element all share the same Property.

Special Spells cannot be Trump. If the Title Spell is a Special Spell, then no Element is Trump.

Players are not required to "follow suit" in Tome. A player can always choose any spell to play during their turn.
However in order to gain the effect of their spell, players must obey the laws of the Chain.

Only have 3 players? Tired of teaming up and just want to show the world you're the strongest at the table? Survival mode is a free for all mode where it's every mage for themselves!

Players start with 2 health points and are in a fight to survive. There are no points awarded for winning a chapter, instead each player is trying to avoid being the weakest spell. The player who cast the weakest spell loses 1 health, and when a player loses all their health they are out until the next deal. Each remaining player scores a point; the longer you stay in the more points you can score!