“The phrase 'domestic cat' is an oxymoron.”
Action Cats is a game for 3-6 players made up of a deck of 160 cards. Each card has a photo of a cat, and on the reverse side, two halves of an outrageous story.
Players take turns being the "judge," while the rest are storytellers. The judge draws a cat card from the top of the deck and gives the cat a name. The rest of the players each build a story using the cards in their hand. They tell the story to the judge, embellishing all they want (that's the fun part!), and the judge picks their favorite story as the winner!
Action Cats! - What's In The Box
- 170 unique double sided cards

We are Keith Baker and Jenn Ellis, and together we are Twogether Studios, an independent game production company in Portland, Oregon. Keith designs games and Jenn makes them a reality!
Twogether Studios have made Phoenix: Dawn Command, and Illimat, a card game in collaboration with the Decemberists. You may also known Keith as the designer of the card game Gloom, the forthcoming Scott Pilgrim card game, and Eberron, his setting for Dungeons & Dragons!
We are obsessed with games and our animals. Action Cats was born when Keith was challenged by a friend to make a game about adventuresome cats. He developed it as a gift for friends, using their cat photos, and it was such a hit we decided to bring it to the world! We’re thankful to our friends who shared their feline pics, playtested, and encouraged us to make this game. We now turn to you, here on Kickstarter, and ask you to join in, share your cat, and make Action Cats a reality!

Action Cats is a game for 3-6 players made up of a deck of 160 cards. Each card has a photo of a cat, and on the reverse side, two halves of an outrageous story.

Players take turns being the "judge," while the rest are storytellers. The judge draws a cat card from the top of the deck and gives the cat a name. The rest of the players each build a story using the cards in their hand. They tell the story to the judge, embellishing all they want (that's the fun part!), and the judge picks their favorite story as the winner!