The Lost Worlds of Josh Kirbyfeatures art never before published in games from Josh Kirby, famed sci-fi & fantasy artist with credits includingTunnels & Trolls,Return of the JediandDiscworld.
The game features a dice-based action selection system. Each turn, roll and allocate dice to Save or Conquer World cards in the center of the table — and optionally, activate renown powers or world powers.
Saving or Conquering worlds will push your Morality track toward Savior or Tyrant. Your ever-changing morality affects which dice you can reroll, special powers you can access, and even endgame bonuses. Combine the powers of worlds you’ve claimed with your dice to enact sweeping change across the galaxy and rocket yourself to victory.
At the end of the game, the player who has claimed the most valuable worlds is the victor — but you receive bonuses depending on both your final morality and how you claimed the worlds (Save or Conquer).